Monday, August 23, 2010 Mean No!

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" - The Wizard of Oz

Fire Starter has previously written about Johnson City Trustee Rick Balles' lack of courage and conviction here.  We pointed out that Balles, now a critic of the Fire Department and their contract with the Village, is the only Trustee who voted both for and against the agreement.  We attributed this to political cowardice.  We now may have a different explanation.

At a Board meeting this past Tuesday, the Trustees were considering a plan to offer retirement incentives to Village employees with a certain number of years of service.  The idea is to encourage higher wage employees to retire and replace them with newer, entry level employees.

Apparently, logic has no place in the Village of Johnson City Board Room.  The fix was in and this matter had no chance of seeing the light of day.  However, apparently, Trustee Balles misplaced his script because when it came time to vote, he voted to approve the proposal.   After being reminded by the Village Attorney of the "right" way to vote, Balles changed his vote to no.  Listen for yourself:

Once again, this shows Balles to be unprincipled and cowardly (and perhaps a bit dim witted). Unprincipled and cowardly in that he was incapable of casting an independent vote without being reined in by Hannon and the Village Attorney.  Dim witted in that he could not even follow the script provided by Hannon.

This reminds us of another indecisive dim wit:

Our apologies to Monty Python. The Village of Johnson City is a much bigger "Flying Circus".

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