"Where there is no vision, the people perish." - Proverbs 29:18
You may recall that several weeks ago, the Village of Johnson City Board was asked to describe their accomplishments in economic development in the Village. Each Board member took their turn and attempted to justify their existence. That is, each Board Member other than Trustee Silas. Instead of outlining her "many" accomplishments, she "turned the question back" on community activist and Johnson City Booster, Julie Deemie.
Hannon, Balles and Silas have done a remarkable job of economic development. Should several dozen retail businesses magically elect to open businesses in the Village of Johnson City, the retail space is open and waiting for them. Hannon, Balles, and Silas have done a remarkable job of presiding over the urban "Mumbai-zation" of Johnson City.
But there is still much work to be done. There still are a handful of business which need to be chased from downtown Johnson City. This is why Balles and Silas believe their re-election is so critical. Only they have the skills to critically degrade police and fire service, pursue petty grievances at great cost and "fiddle" while businesses flee from the mess they have made.
As far as the Fire Starter can tell, the one economic development that Hannon, Balles and Silas have triggered was the creation and promotion of this blog.
Hannon, Balles and Silas lack the vision and leadership to move the Village forward.
It is time to send Silas and Balles packing. Since there is only one qualified candidate on the ballot on November 2nd, we again urge you to only "vote for one". This will send an unmistakable message to these petty autocrats.
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