Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Further Abuse of Power

The victor will never be asked if he told the truth. - Adolf Hitler

The irony of this post following on the last is not lost on the Fire Starter.  Last week we discussed excrement flowing from Hannon's sewage treatment plant and this week the excrement is again flowing from Hannon.  After reading the Press & Sun Bulletin article and the online documents, it seems ever clearer that this is yet another Hannon attack on his enemies.  If the evidence doesn't support the charge, hire your own hearing officer and hope everyone has forgotten by the time the courts reverse his petty and vindictive attacks.  And it is an amazing stroke of psychological projection that Hannon accuses anyone else of not being truthful.

Even the Press & Sun Bulletin, long a supporter of Hannon, is having a tough time swallowing this one.  Steve Reilly of the Press apparently sees the connection between the union activities and Hannon's repeated attacks on fire fighters.  He notes that the flurry of discipline seems to have arisen out of the contentious 2008 contract between the Village and the fire fighter's union.  And a reveiw of the papers filed by both sides seems to reveal several interesting points:

  • The Union states that the Village's witness, Police Detective Saroka, testified on behalf of the Village.  Was apparently the Villages star witness as he was the officer that to whom Meaney supposed to have lied.  But apparently he did not support the Village's position. Notably, this does not seem to be contradicted by the Village's brief.
  • The Village claims that Meaney's air tank was tampered with but failed to offer any evidence that it was.  Again, this statement stands uncontradicted by the Village's brief.
  • The Union points out that this is a second attempt on getting it's president; the previous charges filed against Meaney for speaking at Village Board meetings and criticizing the Mayor.  Again, none of this is contradicted by the Village's brief.

It seems ever clearer that Hannon is engaging in a systematic attack on union officials in Johnson City. He offer no evidence and pays a hearing officer to do their bidding.  And Surprise!!  He gets the answer he is looking for.

 How long will it be before he goes after the PBA president in retaliation for their grievances and claims with state agencies?  And at what point do the taxpayers stand up and say enough!!

This is exactly the kind of nonsense the Fire Starter was referring to in last week's post.  While Hannon pursues his personal vendettas, the Village falls apart.  Was it mere coincidence that this is leaked to the Press on the heals of the catastrophic failure at the sewage treatment plant.  You don't have to be Oliver Stone to figure this one out.

Instead of abusing his position and pursuing personal grievances on the taxpayer's dime, Hannon should be doing the work of the people.  Economic development and Village infrastructure have long since taken a back seat to Hannon's little power plays. And with this new sideshow du jour Hannon continues to distract village residents from his mismanagement and incompetence. He resorts to lies and distortions apparently counting on the fact that no one will ever check.

And perhaps this is as much the motivation as personal vengeance.

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