Thursday, July 22, 2010

UPDATE 7/22/2010 - Money Trail Leads To Top

"I suppose everyone tells little white lies. Quite often they're necessary to make someone feel better or prevent feelings from being hurt. Whoppers? No, that's dangerous and they'll boomerang". -Richard Chamberlain

Fire Starter has questioned the legitimacy of Mayor Hannon's "internal investigation". First, we noted previously that few internal investigations begin with the release of information to the press. Second, Hannon has been quite fond of withholding comment when it came to personnel and internal matters. One can only assume that Hannon saw some political angle in releasing information regarding this "investigation". Third, in the Press & Sun Bulletin, Hannon's hand picked "Joint Police Chief" Zikuski, confirmed that all money was accounted for.

However, Fire Starter has now learned that a there was cash inventoried that could not be tied to articular case. An envelope containing cash and labled "closed drug cases 1996-1997" was found which could not be tied to any particular case or cases. By no small coincidence, this is the time frame in which Hannon was police chief. Fire Starter has been reliably informed that under Hannon's reign as police chief, such money was kept by the chief in a safe in his office.

So Fire Starter appears to owe an apology to Mayor Hannon. Hannon has suggested sloppy bookkeeping and possible wrongdoing. It turns out that he may be right. And it appears that he is in the best position to know!

So now, the only question is what punishment he will be meting out to himself.

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